Photo for Finding Purpose: Chris’ Journey of Faith and Service August 8, 2024 Finding Purpose: Chris’ Journey of Faith and Service View this Post

When adults search for purpose within their communities, they can feel fulfilled by giving back to others.

Many local groups provide opportunities to build social circles and make a difference.

The Knights of Columbus.

Years of Service

The Knights of Columbus, a fraternal service order for Catholic men to get involved in local causes, is one space where Gabriel Homes, Inc. (GHI) residents have made their marks. Chris, a GHI resident, has been involved with the Knights through his church, St. John Neumann (SJN), for over 13 years.

“Many people in my family were brother knights, so I felt at home as soon as I joined the group,” Chris says. “The Knights of Columbus got me more involved at church, so I befriended more of the congregation than ever.”

Meet the Knights External Link

Gabriel Homes resident representing the Knights of Columbus.

Leadership and Socials

Chris often participates in meetings through the Knights, having served the group as an officer. Many meetings center around business discussions and reports from various committees. The council then votes on any pending decisions.

On the more fun side of the Knights, socials are the group’s favorite outing, according to Chris. The Knights often hold cookouts for socials to bring the community together. Families who attend unwind for the evenings and catch up with their friends.

“I like being a greeter at socials. My job involves greeting guests and checking in on them and their families.”

Chris, Gabriel Homes Resident

The Knights of Columbus and Gabriel Homes resident at church.

Contagious Happiness

Michael Swiger, financial secretary for the Knights of Columbus Arlington chapter, considers Chris to be an invaluable member. He praises Chris for going above and beyond his responsibilities as a brother. The Knights’ tenets – charity, faith, and fraternity – have a vocational for an optional fourth tenant, patriotism. By getting his fourth degree, Chris’ title in the group expanded to Sir Knight.

“He’s an exceptional member because he’s devoted to his faith,” Michael says. “Chris respects others and brings unseen joy to others by being with them.”

By getting involved with local organizations like the Knights, Gabriel Homes residents leave lasting impacts on those closest to them.

“We are a much better group because we have people like Chris,” Michael says. “Gabriel Homes and the residents bring light and joy to our brotherhood.”

While Chris is a sir brother of the Knights...

Others are tight with friends in their church communities. See how other residents get involved at SJN.

See the full story

More stories with residents:

Finding Purpose: Chris’ Journey of Faith and Service August 8, 2024 Read More

Generation to Generation: Paving the Path Toward Success August 1, 2024 Read More

Sean’s Enchanted Journey: A Dash of Magic July 31, 2024 Read More

Baseball Builds Beautiful Bonds July 22, 2024 Read More

Ladies’ Night Celebrates Asian Culture July 16, 2024 Read More

The Treehouse: July 2024 July 15, 2024 Read More

Home Runs Highlight Special Olympics Softball July 9, 2024 Read More

Fast, Efficient, and Quality Cleaning June 20, 2024 Read More

Dinosaurs, ABBA, and Snickers Cheesecake June 13, 2024 Read More

The Treehouse: June 2024 June 10, 2024 Read More

Community Corner: You’ve Got a Friend in Me June 9, 2024 Read More

True Strength in Men: Positive Male Spaces May 30, 2024 Read More


While Chris is a sir brother of the Knights...

Others are tight with friends in their church communities. See how other residents get involved at SJN. See the full story

Photo for Generation to Generation: Paving the Path Toward Success August 1, 2024 Generation to Generation: Paving the Path Toward Success View this Post

When you let your children chase their dreams, you and your kids can feel a greater sense of purpose within yourselves.

You should help your children experience as many opportunities as possible. But when you show your kids know and see what you do, especially if you make a difference helping others, they may want to follow in your footsteps.

PIrrein and Reuben's family.

One father-daughter duo at Gabriel Homes, Inc. (GHI)...

Reuben (front row, center) and Pierrein (back row, second from the left) are residential counselors. Reuben has worked with the residents for almost two-thirds of GHI’s lifetime, joining the team in 1997

“I’m learning from the residents to this day,” Reuben says. “Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have different learning processes, so I can help them best when I understand their communication styles and feedback.” 

Reuben and his family fled from Liberia during the country’s civil war.

At a gathering of Liberian immigrants, he was introduced to GHI by someone who worked there as a house supervisor at the time. 

Reuben’s background showed his commitment to helping others. He worked with the United Nations’ Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration program. His responsibilities included rehabilitating paramilitary soldiers so they could thrive in society. 

Reuben with JB, GP, SK.

Decades of Leadership

Working with the residents, Reuben likes to lead by example. He helps them prepare for difficult situations by doing role-play scenarios, and he shows how residents can have fun by taking them to lots of different activities.

“I want them to see what I do so they can best reflect that,” Reuben says. “The residents are successful adults today because Gabriel Homes shows them how to succeed.”

Pierrein (left), residential counselor, with resident.

Looking Back

Some of Reuben’s favorite memories with GHI included when he took the residents on trips. During one adventure, he took a group of residents to Miami, where they boarded a ship to the Bahamas; in another, he and some residents went up to Wisconsin because one resident, Shelby, was obsessed with cows. Reuben said he liked breaking up routines so everyone could see something new.

Shelby was also the first GHI resident Pierrein met in the 1990s. Pierrein joined GHI and followed in her father’s footsteps when COVID limited work for instructors in 2020. Separate from her dad, Pierrein works at Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) as an instructional assistant (IA).

“My career always centered around children. I first worked at a daycare when I was in high school, and then I worked in school age child care at FCPS for about ten years before I became an IA.” Pierrein Pierrein Residential Counselor, Gabriel Homes

Pierrein said her father showed how gentle and warm he was with the residents, so he partially inspired her to help others

“Respect is the center of how I want to lead,” Pierrein said. “Adults with IDD need to be respected and heard because they still have concerns. I want to be able to address each resident’s problems and meet their needs.”

Gabriel Homes resident.

Wednesday Specials

Residents light up around Pierrein when they know it’s Wednesday evening. To spice up the week, Pierrein cooks chicken meals with various sides and sauces. Sara, one resident Pierrein works with, especially lights up when she sees her plate.

“What Pierrein makes – that's dinner!” Sara exclaims. “Everything she makes on Wednesdays always sounds good to me.”

Pierrein (center) with Gabriel Homes residents.

Great Memories

Pierrein often plays music around the house, especially because Shelby and Sara love singing. One evening, Pierrein played John Denver’s “Country Roads” per Shelby’s request, and their housemate Caryn fell in love with Pierrein’s voice. The folk song became their personal song because they loved singing it together.

“I love what I do at Gabriel Homes,” Pierrein says. “I could not ask for a better job.”

Her dad has also been proud of his decades of work with the residents.

“There are times where I spend more time with the residents than anywhere else,” says. “I’ll miss them when I retire because Gabriel Homes is like a second home to me.”

Reuben, Senior Residential Counselor

Now that you’ve gotten to know Reuben and Pierrein...

... get to know the full team at

Meet our staff

More stories from the community:

Community Corner: Ways Siblings of Family Members With IDD Can Empower Themselves August 15, 2024 Read More

Community Corner: It’s An Annual Tradition! July 12, 2024 Read More

Community Corner: You’ve Got a Friend in Me June 9, 2024 Read More

Community Reacts to the New April 25, 2024 Read More

Community Corner: The Importance of Independence for Adults With IDD April 24, 2024 Read More

The Heart of Reston March 5, 2024 Read More

The Power of Lifting February 24, 2024 Read More

Photo for Sean’s Enchanted Journey: A Dash of Magic July 31, 2024 Sean’s Enchanted Journey: A Dash of Magic View this Post

Research suggests a hopeful outlook on life can cause people to live longer.

Combine your joy with the Wonderful World of Disney, and you might just live forever!

Gabriel Homes resident by Steamboat.

Sean, a resident at Gabriel Homes, is a Disney fan through and through.

Much of his wardrobe includes iconic faces and locations, from Mickey and Minnie Mouse to the Magic Kingdom.

“A lot of my clothes have Disney’s logo or characters on them,” Sean says. “I’ve worn them around the house so often because I’ve watched Disney movies like Snow White and Beauty and the Beast over a hundred times.”

See more about Sean

Earlier this year, Sean took a trip to Orlando to visit Walt Disney World with his aunt. However, like exploring Epcot, navigating the airport is a tricky adventure. Gabriel Homes staff worked with Sean to make a game plan for his travels. The executive director, Lynn Davis, and Sean’s dad assured him he would make it to Disney in one piece. 

“Preparing for Sean’s trip was a coordinated effort with him, staff, and his family. Once you give him a number, though, he remembers which gate he leaves from.” Lynn Davis, executive director of Gabriel Homes. Lynn Davis Executive Director, Gabriel Homes Gabriel Homes resident with Cinderella.

The moment Sean stepped foot in the Magic Kingdom...

... he was transported to a new world. He took most of his steps wearing a favorite Mickey Mouse shirt from Disneyland. During his travels, he met much of the Disney lineup, from the memorable mice to the dazzling princesses. 

“Cinderella is my favorite Disney princess,” Sean said. “Her dress and movie are too famous to ignore. Other characters, like the fairy godmother, are also lots of fun.” 

Once Sean got photos with his favorite characters, he was ready to strap in for the rides.

“My favorite ride was the Haunted Mansion. The ghosts were the best parts of the ride because they were fun and scary at the same time!”


Gabriel Homes resident on jungle water ride.

When his vacation wrapped up, Sean’s memory kicked in:

He knew where to be and when so he could fly home safe and sound.

“Getting residents ready for trips is routine for them and staff,” said Reuben, a senior residential counselor at Gabriel Homes. “We make sure travelers know what they need and are set up for success, from stepping out to returning home.”

Did you know?

Gabriel Homes explains how you can take your family members on vacation and make traveling a breeze for family and staff. Learn more about other frequently asked questions at

See our FAQs

The latest adventures from our residents:

Sean’s Enchanted Journey: A Dash of Magic July 24, 2024 Read More

Baseball Builds Beautiful Bonds July 22, 2024 Read More

Ladies’ Night Celebrates Asian Culture July 16, 2024 Read More

The Treehouse: July 2024 July 15, 2024 Read More

Home Runs Highlight Special Olympics Softball July 9, 2024 Read More

Fast, Efficient, and Quality Cleaning June 20, 2024 Read More

Dinosaurs, ABBA, and Snickers Cheesecake June 13, 2024 Read More

The Treehouse: June 2024 June 10, 2024 Read More

Community Corner: You’ve Got a Friend in Me June 9, 2024 Read More

Photo for Gabriel Homes Residents Sweep Powerlifting States Competition July 25, 2024 Gabriel Homes Residents Sweep Powerlifting States Competition View this Post

In a recent Special Olympics powerlifting tournament for the Virginia state championship...

... every Gabriel Homes resident who participated went home with medals. Residents competed in their respective weight classes in bench presses, deadlifts, and combinations; the latter is a mix of the former two.

Trainers like Tim Figueroa and Seth Abrams helped residents prepare for the tournament by meeting every Tuesday evening at IMP Fitness. At the gym, residents built their strength and learned proper lifting techniques.

“We didn’t settle for participation trophies this time around. The residents trained hard for this event. Seeing them accept their awards, all the trainers were smiling wide.” Tim Figueroa and Gabriel Homes resident. Tim Figueroa Trainer, Special Olympics Powerlifting

Photos from the competition:

Gabriel Homes residents powerlifting tournament.
SK With Other
PH JG JM Getting Medals
JG with other.
PH With Others

Competing in their respective weight classes...

Gabriel Homes residents powerlifting tournament.

... the residents performed as follows:

  • John: 1st place bench press and deadlift, 2nd place combination 
  • Patrick: 2nd place bench press and deadlift, 3rd place combination 
  • Sean: 1st place bench press and deadlift, 2nd place combination 
  • Joe: 1st place bench press, deadlift, and combination 
  • Chris: 2nd place bench press, deadlift, and combination 
  • Sam: 1st place bench press and deadlift, 2nd place combination 
“I thought the tournament went very well. I had fun competing in all the different events, and it feels good to come out as a champion!” Gabriel Homes resident on treadmill. Joe Gabriel Homes Resident Gabriel Homes resident training.

Leading up to the championship...

... residents trained to prepare for commands from Special Olympics officials. The commands in order are “lift,” “down,” “up,” and “rack.” Anybody who ignores the commands is disqualified, so the trainers worked to ensure the residents would hit their marks when they were called up to lift. 

“John and I compete in the same weight class from time to time,” Chris said. “We like to push each other to our limits when we face each other, but he’s still one of my best friends at the end of the day.” 

“I’m glad to see everything’s back on track. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing the residents' faces shine when they win. They smile from ear to ear.”

Tim, Special Olympics Powerlifting Trainer

With the next season of sports coming up soon...

... catch up on all the latest from Gabriel Homes, including the 2024 golf tournament! Register today at

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The latest stories from Gabriel Homes

Finding Purpose: Chris’ Journey of Faith and Service August 8, 2024 Read More Generation to Generation: Paving the Path Toward Success August 1, 2024 Read More Sean’s Enchanted Journey: A Dash of Magic July 31, 2024 Read More Gabriel Homes Residents Sweep Powerlifting States Competition July 25, 2024 Read More Baseball Builds Beautiful Bonds July 22, 2024 Read More Ladies’ Night Celebrates Asian Culture July 16, 2024 Read More The Treehouse: July 2024 July 15, 2024 Read More Community Corner: It’s An Annual Tradition! July 12, 2024 Read More
Photo for Baseball Builds Beautiful Bonds July 22, 2024 Baseball Builds Beautiful Bonds View this Post

If you’re looking for a rush of endorphins in your brain, you might want to head to your local stadium.

Studies show that watching live sports can make you feel happier and less lonely.

Gabriel Homes resident (right) with family.

Let's Play Ball!

Gabe is a resident at Gabriel Homes whose eyes are glued to the TV during the Major League Baseball (MLB) season. Like other residents, Gabe and his family regularly travel to D.C. to watch his favorite team, the Washington Nationals.

“I started following the Nats when they became a team in 2005,” Gabe says. “One of my favorite memories was when they beat the Astros in 2019.”

“One of my favorite gamedays with Gabe was when we had the whole family together. Through Gabriel Homes, Gabe learned to get more comfortable in large crowds like at stadiums, and we learned how best to support him at games.” Gabriel Homes resident with stepfather. Bob Gabe's father Gabriel Homes resident with family.

When the first pitch is underway...

Gabe’s focus is uninterrupted until the end of the game. He can list many players off the top of his head and knows how often they get on base. For example, Gabe says Lane Thomas and Jacob Young are good scorers but thinks Jesse Winkler is a better home run hitter. 

Gabriel Homes resident with family.

Gabe doesn’t restrict himself to baseball, though –

– he and his family often watch other sports like hockey with the Washington Capitals and basketball with the George Mason University women’s team. When he was younger, Gabe played basketball and ran track in the Special Olympics. 

“It’s fun when Gabe comes over and sees his sisters, nephews, and nieces before games,” Bob continues. “But he takes care of himself and is totally social without us.” 

Sports play a major part in many of our residents’ lives!

Read about everyone’s favorite sports teams at

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More stories about our residents:

See the latest news from Gabriel Homes.

Gabriel Homes Residents Sweep Powerlifting States Competition July 25, 2024 Read More The Treehouse: July 2024 July 15, 2024 Read More Legacies Last Generations at Gabriel Homes July 11, 2024 Read More Home Runs Highlight Special Olympics Softball July 9, 2024 Read More Announcement: Gabriel Homes Golf Tournament 2024 Registration is Now Live July 1, 2024 Read More Gabriel Homes Celebrates 42nd Birthday! June 25, 2024 Read More Waiting for a Developmental Disability Waiver? Here’s the Process: June 25, 2024 Read More Dinosaurs, ABBA, and Snickers Cheesecake June 13, 2024 Read More
Photo for Ladies’ Night Celebrates Asian Culture July 16, 2024 Ladies’ Night Celebrates Asian Culture View this Post

The continent of Asia is fast growing...

and the culture – although not shared by all – is vast and diverse. During a recent ladies’ night at Gabriel Homes, the residents celebrated an Asian cultural experience.

Flower decoration at Gabriel Homes.

Staff and residents decorated the home with Asian-inspired visuals.

The centerpieces of the art direction were flowers. While some of the most recognizable flowers like peonies can take years to bloom, paper and felt versions took minutes for the residents to set.

Swirl streamer at Gabriel Homes.

Swirl streamers were the other main spectacle of the home.

Often looking like streamers you see in football stadiums, the swirls are based on auspicious (or lucky) clouds to show peace and happiness. Residents specifically liked the red and gold streamers, two colors that represent good fortune and prosperity, respectively.

“Ladies’ nights are much more fun when we can change how our homes look,” said January, a resident at Gabriel Homes. “We have new things to talk about, and we can finish with fun games.”

Gabriel Homes resident (left) with Marlene Stevens, residential counselor.

With the help of Residential Counselor Marlene Stevens as chef...

...the group wrapped up the night with a favorite dish: stir fry.

“Marlene's food always tastes great, so the night gets better when we can also learn something new,” said Darcy, another resident.

Have something you want to teach residents?

Looking to help us out with upcoming events? Learn about how you can get involved with Gabriel Homes today.

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Photo for The Treehouse: July 2024 July 15, 2024 The Treehouse: July 2024 View this Post

The Latest...

Gabriel Homes resident playing softball.

Rich Hits Home Run, Fields Two Double Plays at Special Olympics Softball

Rich plays softball in the spring for the Special Olympics. Meeting on Saturday mornings at Eakin Park, Rich plays first base and hits sixth in the batting order. Also, Rich and his coach have been friends for 20+ years!

Learn more

More photos of Rich playing softball:

Gabriel Homes resident playing softball.
Gabriel Homes residents playing softball.
Gabriel Homes resid
Gabriel Homes resident playing softball.

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Gabriel Homes resident working at their job.

15 years at her job, Lucy shines among her coworkers

Lucy goes the extra mile every day to keep her workplace in safe, healthy, and tip-top shape. She works in cleaning for the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and has her routine down to a science.

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Registration Opens for 29th Annual Gabriel Homes Golf Tournament

Enjoy the beautiful scenery and challenging holes at Evergreen Country Club while supporting an important cause. With your support, Gabriel Homes can continue to provide high-quality services to residents so they can focus on achieving their independence and achieving their dreams.

Register Today External Link

Community Corner

The Golf Tournament tees off at the perfect time of year. Summer turns into fall, so the weather’s really nice. The middle of September is a beautiful time to play golf, and Gabriel Homes is such a great cause to support. We feel a sense of pride seeing the residents, organization, and charity grow over 30 years.

Dave Shacochis, annual golfer, Gabriel Homes Golf Tournament

See his full interview with Gabriel Homes

We want to hear from you!

Do you have a favorite memory with Gabriel Homes? Do you have advice for family members? If there's something you've been longing to share, now is your chance! Email Lynn with your story or idea.


Board Spotlight

Kane sisters at Gabriel Homes golf tournament.

Leslie Kane & Alicia Liddle

Daughters of one of our founders Patrick Kane, both have followed in his footsteps to serve our residents and leave their own legacies.

“My father always wanted to stretch ideas to their limits, so he taught me how to push myself, make connections, and uplift others.”


Read more

Staff Spotlight

Kassi Fretty

Kassi Fretty

Kassi recently joined Gabriel Homes as a program coordinator. Since starting the end of May, Kassi jumped right in and started engaging with the residents. She brings a wealth of experience and fresh perspective to Gabriel Homes.

In fact, many of the pictures you see on social media are from Kassi's outings with the residents!

More on Kassi

Upcoming Dates:

September 16 - Gabriel Homes Annual Golf Tournament.


Let staff know at least 24 hours in advance if you make plans with your family member. Giving Gabriel Homes notice assures us that every resident is taken care of if they’re not home.

Use the on-call phone number or email staff to notify us.

Remember to email us your feedback if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas for future editions of The Treehouse.

Feel free to send our newsletter to any friends or family who don’t receive it. Share our newsletter sign-up link so they can join today.

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We appreciate donations of any amounts

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Other Latest Stories:

Ladies’ Night Celebrates Asian Culture July 16, 2024 Read More

The Treehouse: July 2024 July 12, 2024 Read More

Community Corner: It’s An Annual Tradition! July 12, 2024 Read More

Photo for Community Corner: It’s An Annual Tradition! July 12, 2024 Community Corner: It’s An Annual Tradition! View this Post
dddcd Gabriel Homes Golf Tournament.

Gabriel Homes is more than independence – it’s also about community.

The annual Gabriel Homes Golf Tournament has been a flagship event for almost 30 years, and the momentum hasn’t slowed down. Some golfers have participated since the tourney’s launch! One competitor in particular, Dave Shacochis, has come with his best friends from childhood to every tournament. 

Gabriel Homes had the chance to catch up with Dave recently. Here's what he had to say:

How did you learn about Gabriel Homes?

I learned about the golf tournament at some point in the mid-90s through my college chaplain, Fr. Bob Cilinski. Ever since Father Bob introduced me to Gabriel Homes, my best friends have come in from out of state to play in the tournament every year. There’s a lot of fellowship between us because Gabriel Homes is such a great cause that my friends and I are warm to. 

For those who may not know about the tournament, run them through the day. What happens each year?

It’s a first-class event, and it’s a full day. You’ve got breakfast and plenty of time to warm up in the morning. There are shotgun starts (meaning all groups of players tee off simultaneously at different holes) and everybody goes off. You’re well hydrated and you have plenty of refreshments all over the place. There’s a nice lunch at the turn and a beautiful dinner after the tournament. At dinner, there are awards ceremonies and generous door prizes and raffles.

The tournament is just a great time. It fills your day and is a wonderful day to spend your Monday. You can’t beat a day on the golf course.

What makes it fun going to each tournament?

It’s the perfect time of year. Summer turns into fall, so the weather’s really nice. The middle of September is a beautiful time to play golf, and again, Gabriel Homes is such a great cause to support. We feel a sense of pride seeing the residents, organization, and charity grow over 30 years.

Evergreen Country Club is an absolute gem. You’re sitting at the foothills of the mountains in Northern Virginia, you’re playing through some beautiful country, and the course is impeccably maintained. It’s a wonderful course to play. 

How do you like seeing the residents every year?

It’s a great community of God’s children. The residents have strong bonds with the community, and Reston supports them and allows them to grow.

Gabriel Homes is one of those organizations that, the minute you realize what it is, you understand its importance. Getting to focus on Gabriel Homes is a real gift.

What are some of your favorite memories from the tournament?

You never remember the bad shots. You only remember the good shots. One of my best friends is someone I’ve known my entire life. He may not compete every year, but every time he does play, he wins closest to the pin. My friend isn’t an avid golfer, but he finds that magic every time he visits.

There are many other great stories, and my friends and I make an entire weekend centered around the tournament. The memories are too many to count.

What would you say to someone who’s never golfed for Gabriel Homes?

The tournament is a great day to come out with a group of friends or make new ones. I’ve had a fourth person join our group before, and then you make friends with them over the course of the day. You can golf with a whole range of communities, and the tournament is a beautiful experience. I recommend it to anyone.

Are you ready to tee off for a great cause?

Sign up for the 29th annual Gabriel Homes Golf Tournament today!

Register External Link

More stories from the community:

Email to Lynn if you have a story or idea you'd like to share!

Community Corner: It’s An Annual Tradition! July 12, 2024 Read More Community Corner: You’ve Got a Friend in Me June 9, 2024 Read More Community Reacts to the New April 25, 2024 Read More
Photo for Legacies Last Generations at Gabriel Homes July 11, 2024 Legacies Last Generations at Gabriel Homes View this Post

When you get involved in nonprofits, your impact can hit home with those closest to you: namely, your family.

Kane sisters at Gabriel Homes golf tournament.

One family has been involved with Gabriel Homes, Inc. (GHI) since its founding in 1982.

Patrick Kane, one Gabriel Homes founder, was a community planner who helped make Reston the welcoming, accessible city it is today. Thanks in part to his leadership, his daughters Leslie and Alicia followed in his footsteps and blazed their own trails with Gabriel Homes.

“Our sister Amanda has Down syndrome, so she was a main reason why my dad helped found Gabriel Homes. Through him, I started writing grants part-time for Gabriel Homes. But I wore many hats here: I once painted a resident’s room in burgundy and gold because he wanted his bedroom decorated in the Commanders’ colors!" Alicia Liddle. Alicia Liddle Former Gabriel Homes Staff and Board Member Kane Sisters - Alicia and Leslie

After landing another job, Alicia took on a new role with Gabriel Homes.

She joined the board of directors, where she helped the nonprofit steer itself toward its success today. From the family side, Alicia helped Amanda join different activities with the residents, like dinners or holiday parties. 

“Once you’re in with Gabriel Homes, you’re in,” Alicia joked. 

Meet the full board

Several years after Alicia’s term with the board ended, Leslie stepped in and chaired the Marketing and Communications Committee. With Leslie’s background in sales and prominence in the Greater Reston community, she set her sights on making Gabriel Homes a household name.

“I want people to see that Gabriel Homes is a great resource for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. My father always wanted to stretch ideas to their limits, so he taught me how to push myself, make connections, and uplift others."

Leslie Kane

Kane Siblings with Hall of Fame Plaque

In 2022, Leslie started a podcast titled “Why Not Today?”

Leslie's show, named after one of her father's favorite phrases, spotlights guests who share courageous stories. 

And Alicia may be outside Gabriel Homes today, but she still supports the organization through her job at Northwest Federal Credit Union (NWFCU). Also a not-for-profit, NWFCU posts volunteer opportunities and invests in its community, including Gabriel Homes. 

The Kane family continues to hit new milestones with Gabriel Homes and Reston. Leslie and Alicia have befriended many of the residents at GHI, and Amanda is recognized everywhere she steps across Reston.

Our board of directors comes from all walks of life with unique stories.

See every board member’s story at

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The latest at Gabriel Homes:

Ladies’ Night Celebrates Asian Culture July 16, 2024 Read More

Community Corner: It’s An Annual Tradition! July 12, 2024 Read More

Legacies Last Generations at Gabriel Homes July 11, 2024 Read More

Home Runs Highlight Special Olympics Softball July 9, 2024 Read More

Photo for Home Runs Highlight Special Olympics Softball July 9, 2024 Home Runs Highlight Special Olympics Softball View this Post

When adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) compete in the Special Olympics, they can develop social and emotional soft skills.

Gabriel Homes resident playing softball.

Many residents at Gabriel Homes compete in sports all year...

... from powerlifting to bowling to softball.

Rich, a resident at Gabriel Homes, is a slugger who wrapped up his spring softball season with the Fairfax Cougars. Meeting with the team on Saturday mornings at Eakin Park, Rich plays first base and hits sixth in the batting order. 

“I’ve liked the Mets since I was a boy, and baseball is my favorite sport to watch and play. Batting and fielding are always fun for me, even in hot weather.” Gabriel Homes resident playing softball. Rich Gabriel Homes Resident

Marc Egan met Rich at the Special Olympics when Marc was 12. Marc’s brother David competed in many sports with Rich. Growing up as an IDD advocate and now as a Special Olympics coach, Marc has built a lifelong friendship with Rich by seeing Nats games together and spending time with each other’s families.

Rich and I have been mentors to each other all my life. We’ve grown closer together because of the camaraderie at games and memories of traveling to different tournaments. On long car rides, we’ve bonded over our admiration for baseball.

Marc Egan
Gabriel Homes residents playing softball.

But as the saying goes, there is no “I” in “team.”

Like Rich, teammates like Austin and Matt have competed in the Special Olympics for years. Austin calls every tournament a blast and hopes more people come out to play, and Matt is thankful for chances to play since he didn’t compete as a kid. 

“Playing in the Special Olympics is a dream come true,” Matt says. “You get to do something fun with people with IDD, and there’s so much support from the community to play in whatever sport you want.”

If you’re curious about what residents do during the week,

... see what a day in the life is like at Gabriel Homes.

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Read more stories about our residents!

Home Runs Highlight Special Olympics Softball July 9, 2024 Read More Gabriel Homes Crushes Powerlifting Competition May 28, 2024 Read More A Striking Success March 2, 2024 Read More