Residents have lived at Gabriel Homes, Inc. (GHI) for an average of 23 years.

Since many have been residents since their 20s or 30s, their needs have changed. Accessible housing for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) has evolved at GHI with projects that protect them, like shower units.

The GHI Board of Directors asked themselves in 2019: How can we meet the needs of our residents as they continue to age?

Accessible housing and services became more pressing for residents’ safety, something critical for anyone working with adults with IDD. The board’s Health & Welfare Committee helps Gabriel Homes adapt to residents’ needs as they age.

“Staff were asked to assess the residents’ abilities to complete their activities of daily living (ADLs) – where all residents passed 100% of their ADLs,” says “And the board interviewed 10 families of residents aged 45 and older about their plans for hands-on assistance.”

Families valued GHI’s services and felt their family members were independent.

The board advised staff to communicate more with families about independence and service criteria for future planning.

“GHI offers independence for adults with IDD. Families should plan for assisted living when needs increase. Life after GHI can feel overwhelming for families. But everyone welcomed clear, realistic expectations about GHI’s mission and services.”

The board was touched by the families’ praise for GHI’s services.

Many families were grateful to see their family members be independent. They were comfortable knowing GHI could handle tasks like appointments and home renovations.

“Continuity of care is critical for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I’m impressed with Gabriel Homes’ vision and planning to care for residents as they age.”

Our board has four committees: Executive, Health & Welfare, Development, and Infrastructure.

Learn more about how our committees serve GHI’s mission.